Mankato Symphony Orchestra plays 5-6 symphonic concerts per season, 4 small family educational concerts, and 4-5 chamber music concerts. Musicians may also be contacted for other freelance work for regional arts nonprofits, weddings, and various other special event opportunities.
Although in-person auditions are significantly preferred, video audition submissions will be accepted from emailed links to Google Drive, Dropbox, and/or unlisted YouTube videos (videos to verify live recordings). Members of the Mankato Symphony are chosen by blind audition, and audio from your submission will be extracted to forward onto the audition panel. Video auditions must be completed in one take much live a live audition. Edited submissions will not be accepted.
Video auditions must be submitted by email to operations@mankatosymphony.org by April 30, 2024.
In addition to recordings, include a resume and contact information as found in the audition registration form. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
In person auditions will take place on the following dates:
MINNEAPOLIS: April 30, 5:00-9:00pm
Ferguson Hall, University of Minnesota
2128 S 4th St, Minneapolis, MN
MANKATO: May 1, 3:00-6:00pm
Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center, Bethany Lutheran College
700 Luther Drive, Mankato, MN 56001
Send any questions to Benji at operations@mankatosymphony.org.
For all auditions: please prepare a concerto or solo piece of your choice not exceeding more than 3 minutes, plus the following excerpts for download. The total audition time is not to exceed 10 minutes.
Violin I and II Section and Sub